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Anahit Danielyan

RoA Diplomatic Corps Visits Artsakh for Consultations

Yesterday, top representatives of the RoA Foreign Ministry and diplomatic corps were in Artsakh, during which time they held a series of meetings in the NKR National Assembly and with President Bako Sahakyan. The National Assembly’s Press Office reports that a variety of issues were discussed related to the current stage of negotiations regarding the Karabakh conflict settlement and the intensification of parliamentary diplomacy. After the meeting, a number of RoA ambassadors in overseas pots and representatives of the NKR met with President Bako Sahakyan. Afterwards, however, the spokesperson of the RoA Foreign Minister told reporters that there would be no press briefing even though journalists had been invited to the presidential palace. RoA Ambassador to the Ukraine, Armen Khachatryan, told reporters that this was the latest in their visits to Karabakh to get acquainted with the country’s problems and to get a feel for the mood of the people regarding settlement prospects. RoA Deputy Prime Minister Shavarsh Kocharyan, when asked if any disagreements or disputes arose during the meetings, answered, "What disagreements are we talking about? Naturally we discussed ways to make our joint efforts more effective. We also discussed the mechanisms for a settlement to the Karabakh conflict, that the entire process must become more efficient, since our goal is a common one."

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