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Anahit Danielyan

Karabakh Bread Basket? - Most Residents Use Store Bought Flour

Despite figures from the NKR National Statistics Service showing that the country produces adequate amounts of wheat; the country continues to import much of the grain it uses domestically from neighboring Armenia. Most of the flour sold in Karabakh stores and markets goes for 180 AMD per kilo and is produced in Armenia. One of the reasons cited for the importation of Armenian wheat flour is that flour produced from locally grown wheat isn’t of high quality. When baking bread, many Karabakh villagers mix in imported flour to the local flour they use. The NKR Statistical Service recently conducted a survey of the bread preferences of local residents in 17 communities, encompassing 2,641 households; 1,557 urban and 1,084 rural. 50.3% of those surveyed replied that they baked bread at home. Of these, some 79% used flour purchased at the market; the rest using flour they produced themselves. The vast majority of households in the town of Stepanakert and the regions of Shahoumyan and Kashatagh used store bought flour to bake bread. Surprisingly, some 69.5% of village households baking bread at home also used store bought flour. This figure rose to 100% in Shahoumyan and Kashatagh, 97.4% in Shushi and 94.1% in Martakert. Figures show that 93.8% of Stepanakert residents purchase their daily bread at stores. The lowest figure for store bought bread was registered in the Shahoumyan region at 9%.

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