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Lilit Nurijanyan

HR Ombudsman Issues Mixed Message Re: March 1st Committee Findings

31_08-A-harutyunyanToday, Armenia’s Human Rights Ombudsman Armen Haroutyunyan expressed his opinion regarding the report issued by the parliamentary March 1 Ad-Hoc Committee. "First, my grievances. From start to finish it attempts to absolve the prosecution. There is not a word written about them. The only negative facts presented deal with the opposition. There is no balance to the report. It goes without saying that the state of emergency was primarily directed against the opposition media. The report deals very superficially regarding the deaths of ten individuals and doesn’t refer to the evident violations of the examiners involved," stated Mr. Haroutyunyan. The Human Rights Defender noted that there were positive elements to the report as well. "The report contains all those shortcomings that we had pointed to in our report and evaluated the committee’s report as "subjective in detail and objective in general". He concluded by saying that the pages dealing with the events of March 1, 2008 aren’t closed by the publication of this report. "We are neither the ones closing or opening those pages. Rather it is a sad chapter in our history. We can either learn lessons from it or not."

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