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Sona Avagyan

Ara Papyan: “Serzh Sargsyan will not only create new political opponents but numerous personal enemies”

26_10-A-PapyanAra Papyan, Armenia’s Ambassador to Canada from 2002-2006 and the Director of the “Modus Vivendi Center” replies to questions of “Hetq”. If the parliaments of both Turkey and Armenia ratify the protocols, in your opinion, what impact and consequences will it have for Armenia, in terms of the international recognition of the Genocide? It will create fundamental for the Genocide recognition process. Regardless of the issues to be discussed, the subcommittee, in and of itself, will be viewed as an attempt to subject the Armenian Genocide to an “impartial and scientific study”. I would like to call to your attention to one factor – those who claim that it will have a negative impact are specialists who have had practical experience for many years in the process of Genocide recognition. Those who state that it will have no impact haven’t even spent a day working towards its recognition. At best, they have written articles about the Genocide. But they have never done any practical, nitty-gritty work, in the field. If the protocols are ratified they will become a part of Armenia’s legal system and will take effect immediately. In other words, no state official would be able to evoke the Armenian Genocide and there could be no official assistance provided for recognition of the Genocide or its study, even within Armenia itself, without violating the seventh paragraph of the protocols dealing with the establishment of diplomatic relations. This obligates the parties to “avoid incorrect policies anathema to the spirit of neighborly relations”. I would like for one thing to be crystal clear. We have no territorial claims against Turkey. Our sole demand is that Turkey ceases its occupation of lands belonging to the Republic of Armenia under international treaties. Just as the Cypriots demand that Turkey withdraw from northern Cyprus, this doesn’t mean that they have territorial demands against Turkey. Presently, we have a fairly strong legal base on which to make territorial claims. Till today, the Republic of Armenia still retains title to a large portion of the Ottoman villayets of Van, Bitlis, Erzeroum and Trabizon. From a legal perspective, a Turkish presence in those regions is nothing more than annexation.  In other words, it’s the same status that Turkey has in northern Cyprus. Thus, the protocols mean that we are legalizing the consequences of the Armenian Genocide, given that today’s de facto state of affairs is a result of the Genocide. What will the ratification of the protocols by the two nations mean for Armenia in terms of the Artsakh conflict? Turkey, thinking that it has resolved its problems with Armenia, will concentrate its attention on Karabakh. Turkey will have had obtained new instruments of leverage in Armenia and consequently it will exercise more influence in terms of the Karabakh question. The protocols recognize “the principles of territorial integrity and inviolability of borders” not only bilaterally but also when it comes to international relations (Protocol 1, Point 3). This stipulation will allow Turkey to directly intervene in Armenian-Azerbaijani relations. If only one the nations ratifies the protocols, what will the consequences be then? In your estimation, what will happen if neither Turkey nor Armenia ratifies the protocols? If only one of the countries ratifies the document, or neither does, they will not take effect. Nothing more will happen. We will continue as we did before the protocols ever appeared on the scene. We will avoid large future losses and convulsions. I want to emphasize that these protocols aren’t your normal, run of the mill, inter-governmental documents. They are a set of international obligations that have a direct bearing on the fundamental interests of the Armenian people. If and when the protocols take effect, Serzh Sargsyan will not only create new political opponents but numerous personal enemies. There will many who will believe that their whole life’s work has been handed over to the Turks free of charge. In your view, of the four possible versions cited above what is the most probable? Most probably, both nations will ratify the protocols. The Turks recognize full well that such an opportunity comes around once every hundred years. In one fell swoop, they will have received more than they could have ever dreamt of receiving up till recently - and all at no cost to them. The RoA National Assembly is, generally speaking a collection of individuals bereft of scruples and convictions. They will never endanger their personal well-being in the name of the homeland. They will sell the country and package the deal with some nice sounding patriotic expressions. The situation is so ludicrous that at times it appears not to be reality. I want to wake-up from the nightmare but I can’t.

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