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Yeranuhi Soghoyan

Prosecutor Demands 3 Year Sentences for Indicted Police Officers, Followed by Amnesty Plea

Today, at the Shirak District Court, the long delayed trial of former Gyumri District #1 police Chief Ashot Tapaltsyan and former investigator of the same unit, Simon Sargsyan, was resumed with Judge Harutyun Movsisyan presiding. The two former law enforcement officers are charged with dereliction of their duties in the case surrounding the beating of 17 year-old Tigran Tadevosyan. The criminal trial had been delayed last November 6 due to Simon Sargsyan’s medical condition and subsequent transfer to a hospital for care. The two defendants were present at today’s court session during which State Prosecutor Vagharshak Mkhitaryan read out the indictment. Prosecutor Mkhitaryan stated that the two had been derelict in their duties and handled the investigation of the boy’s beating improperly and, as a result, the perpetrators were able to escape. In somewhat of a surprise move he demanded three year sentences for the two but then suggested that the two be pardoned under the parliamentary general amnesty provisions. During the trial, Rubik Movsisyan, the defendants’ lawyer requested a postponement of the trial till Monday in order to prepare a defense statement. After the court recessed, Ashot Tapaltsyan talked to reporters for the first time, stating he was confident of being acquitted as he had violated no law. He said that if found guilty he was prepaers to appeal the sentence to the European Court of Human Rights. The next court session was scheduled for Monday, November 16.

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