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Anahit Danielyan

"Americans for Artsakh" Host Awareness Event at RoA Embassy

Americans for Artsakh, a lobbying group based in the United States, has organized an event at the RoA Embassy in Washington D.C. designed to inform the public regarding recent political developments in Armenia and Karabakh. During the get-together, NKR Permanent Representative to the United States, Robert Avetisyan, gave a brief overview of the Karabakh conflict and the current stage of settlement negotiations. He made a point of stressing the importance of the South Caucasus in regional affairs and that it was thus vital for objective information on Karabakh to reach the international community. Americans for Artsakh Executive Director Sara Ludwig presented the upcoming projects of the organization that hopefully will include professional training courses in Karabakh designed for government officials and young people interested in honing their leadership skills.

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