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Kristine Aghalaryan

Former Matenadaran Official Pardoned After Being Found Guilty of Embezzlement

a-banuchyan_7.12.09Earlier today, the Kentron and Nork-Marash District Court found former Matenadaran Deputy Director Arshak Banouchyan guilty of embezzlement and tax evasion. Mr. Banouchyan was sentenced to two and one years on the embezzlement and misappropriation charges. Under the general amnesty provisions passed by the National Assembly, Mr. Banouchyan will not have to serve any time in jail but the court decided to seize 2.3 million AMD in assets to repay the “Friends of the Matenadaran” fund. Mr. Banouchyan said that he would be appealing the court’s ruling. The court is still examining that part of the indictment regarding tax evasion. The indictment states that Mr. Banouchyan evaded paying 10.8 million AMD in taxes.

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