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Grisha Balasanyan

Legislative Lunch Break? Armenia's Vanishing MP's

Here’s another one for the record books – this time pertaining to the “professionalism” contained within the walls of the Armenian parliament.

Only 7 MP’s were in attendance to hear a debate regarding modifications to the RA Land Code. The MP’s were exclusively from the Heritage Party and the ARF.

At the start of the legislation session this morning, 91 MP’s had signed in. Thirty minutes later only 9 were left in their seats.

Comments (1)

Orenqi uj stacav evs mi degenerat nakhagic. Iskapes, 7 hogov mardkanc chakatagrer en vchrum, ev voch voq chi karoghanum G.S-i yeluyti kargi anhodabashkh texterin dem gnal... Orenqi uj stacav evs mi degenerat nakhagic. Voghbam zqez, Hayoc ashkharh!

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