HAK Rep - Armenian Foreign Ministry is Weakest Cog
Davit Shahnazaryan, a representative of the opposition HAK coalition, stated today that when it comes to the Karabakh settlement process, developments are taking place outside the scope of the OSECE Minsk Group. Mr. Shahnazaryan took the RA Foreign Ministry to task for not appropriately responding to the challenge. Mr. Shahnazaryan said that Azerbaijan was actively engaged in seeing that the issue get a hearing within other international bodies aside from the OSCE and that Baku was trying to raise the Karabakh issue within the legislatures of various countries as well. He said the weakness of the RA Foreign Ministry was a product of the internal political crisis created in the aftermath of the 2008 presidential elections that gets deeper by the day. The HAK representative argued that the only solution was reaching a new national consensus via snap parliamentary and presidential elections. Commenting on the wave of public protests in the Arab world, Mr. Shahnazaryan said that such developments were dangerous from a regional security aspect and that the global system ensuring stability needs reform.
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