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Samvel Avagyan

Not Much Bang for the Buck: Armenia Also Exports Firearms

In 2013, Armenia exported US$128,000 in firearms and imported $1.38 million.

These figures are taken from the State Revenue Committee. They do not specify what types of weapons were bought and sold. The 2013 numbers dropped substantially from the previous year.

The RA Police say there are sixteen businesses in the country permitted to trade in firearms. The largest are Zenki Ashkharh,  Vorsord, Bourastan, Nagan and Aspar.

According to Armenian law, foreign citizens can purchase a weapon in Armenia with a permit issued by the RA Police (with a corresponding motion made by a foreign diplomatic or consular office) on condition that the purchased item be brought out of the country within five days of purchase.

It would appear that some weapons registered as exports left the country in this fashion. Foreign citizens are allowed to bring hunting and sports weapons into Armenia if they have the corrected permits.

Armenia exports arms to Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Iran and Georgia. Tehran leads the pack with $46,000 worth of firearms, followed by Russia with $40,000 (including civilian weapons – sports and hunting firearms). Georgia follows ($34,400) followed by Ukraine ($3,000).

Russia is the biggest supplier of weapons to Armenia – 30% of total imports. Armenia exports from Russia mostly consist of firearms and ammunition.

Armenia also imported $126,000 worth of arms from Italy.

According to the RA Police, there are between 26,000 and 37,000 arms owners in Armenia.

Any citizen above the age of eighteen has the right to purchase what is termed a ‘civilian’ weapon in Armenia, as opposed to a military firearm.

Such civilian weapons are then classified as sports, hunting and defense related.

Comments (1)

Every armenian must be armed and trained to use a combat rifle along with the formation of militias, this is highly affective against enemies both foriegn and domestic. After all the blood that our nation has lost from zio turkism is all the proof needed to militarize armenians at home and abroad. Those armenians of syria need to bare arms and fight back this is the cornerstone to freedom not this zio marxist socialist democracy. Democracy is commie bolshevk garbage used to parasitically destroy nations. Flat out USA is zio owned just like most of europe via international shylocking l, he who issues the currency cares not who makes the laews. The usa is known for creating funding and backing jihadist world wide just like israel turkey azerbaijan and pakistan a nation created via terrorism. Its no secert turks are historically a criminal race they always have been and always will be, if you dont understand why the world has not risen up and destroyed these satanic swine should tell you that goodness moralities and righteousness are a minority in the world arena dominated by the synagogue of satan. Stop raping whats left of the armenian nation and begin impowering us not all of us a rich greedy pigs so you pot belly over payed hye need to fund the resistance and the restoration of our nation. Have none of you ever wondered why turks are allowed to be racist blood letting fascist, the lack of international actions proves that the majority of the world supports this armenocide that is notlimited by 1915 alone.

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