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Yeranuhi Soghoyan

Leader of Bambir Rock Group Feted in Hometown of Gyumri

Gagik Barseghyan, leader of the legendary Armenian rock group Bambir, received twin awards today from the Gyumri Municipality on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday and for 35 years of musical accomplishments.

Gyumri Mayor Samvel Balasanyan told the gathered crowd of well-wishers that it was an honor that such a musician as Barseghyan is a native of Gyumri.

Bambir was formed in 1978. Over the years, Barseghyan has written some 200 songs and issued four albums.

Receiving the award, Barseghyan noted that the band has always received a greater following abroad than in Armenia.

“In any event, we have always maintained that boldness of a Leninakan native and now the time has come to pass the banner to the young generation so that they continue down the path we travelled 36 years ago,” Barseghyan said. 

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