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Not Later, but Now! A Call for Opposition Unity!

By: Edgar Martirosyan

It is often said that history tends to repeat itself.  I have always thought of this maxim as representing a more complex and comprehensive analysis of history, both through space and time, wherein we tend to forget the lessons of the past and repeat the mistakes of our predecessors over – and over – again. 

 In essence, as I understand it, our collective memory will unfailingly succumb to itself; eventually.  Nowhere, however, does this adage resonate more true than in the political arena of our young Republic.  A mere score has passed since independence, yet the lessons not learned from continuous mistakes in that rather insignificant period of time overwhelm the modest progresses made.

Robert Kocharian’s ascent to authority initiated a period of aggressive consolidation of power, where any legitimate opposition to the serving administration and its supporters was systematically eradicated, be it politically or otherwise. 

While the opposition to the president and the Armenian Republican Party withered, a resilient and chauvinistic kleptocracy extended its sway overArmeniato suffocating proportions.  The National Assembly, which at least (albeit imperfectly) counterbalanced the power of the executive branch during the Ter-Petrossian years, was reconstructed in accordance with the whims of the new executive.  In less than ten years time,Armeniawas left with a token opposition – seven seats (out of 131) for the Heritage Party. 

This stagnant state of affairs took a drastic turn in late 2007.   After a decade of silence, Ter-Petrossian’s return to the political arena sparked a national movement the proportions of which the nation had not seen since 1991.  A sense of urgency seemed to engulf the ruling class.  Kocharian’s kleptocracy had its back to the wall; the February 2008 presidential election could only have but one outcome, else the oligarchic state risked certain demise.  In the wake of the election, Ter-Petrossian’s supporters took to the streets in peaceful protest against the falsified results.  March 1st, of course, only widened the chasm between the people and the ruling elite. 

But none of this is news.  It is merely an accounting of too familiar facts which have yet to serve as an impetus for change inArmenia.  Three years and some months later, the overwhelming wave of momentum of 2008 has dramatically dwindled to a mere current, with continued promises of deliverance continually postponed. 

 While we can point the finger in every which direction, it is high time that all of the opposition forces – particularly the ones that matter: the ANC, Heritage, and Sardarapat – start pointing the finger at themselves. 

I believe the Sargsian regime is standing on its last leg, and a unified opposition can pose a more potent threat to the current kleptocracy, which has been reduced to banking on current divisions amongst opposition forces for its continued existence.

But how can we get there?  For its part, and despite its continued efforts in creating a cooperative format with other opposition forces, the ANC needs to revisit its troubled relationships with some its former members and sympathizers, especially Heritage and Sardarapat.  The differences between these entities, while significant, become trivial in comparison to the alternative – an illegitimate president and the kleptocracy that put him there.  Despite their continued insistence otherwise, common ground between the opposition forces is not only possible, but probable so long as the number one priority remains the same: liberatingArmenia from its current leadership.        

The national movement sparked by Ter-Petrossian’s return to the political arena was a spontaneous reaction borne of the people and for the people against the continued injustices imposed upon it by a renegade regime.  And as such, the ANC must embrace the notion that the opposition does not belong to any one group.  In fact, for it to truly come to fruition, it must remain independent of association other than the common objective of political, social, and economic reform.  At bottom, the ANC is merely a conduit, and not an endpoint, through which the disgruntled majority expresses itself.

Sardarapat, for its part, needs to understand that while society as a whole can benefit from its uncompromising principles, it largely remains an ideologically-driven fringe organization not apt for sociopolitical gains if left to its own devices.  It must, at last, accept that mainstream Armenian society is far more receptive to the ANC’s chosen means of constitutional political struggle, then its insistence on a revolutionary resistance.  With the right alliance, Sardarapat can truly invigorate the opposition’s base.  However, it is doomed to fizzle out if it refuses to cooperate with the the mainstream opposition movement lead by the ANC.  In this regard, if Sardarapat continues to insist on challenging the ANC’s credibility as an opposition force, it will begin to fulfill the role of spoiler more than anything else, and its message will fail to resonate with society in ways which it can in a broader alliance with the mainstream opposition.

To its credit, Heritage remains the one true presence that is sufficiently sociopolitical in nature.  While at core the organization is political, its platform continues to place a strong emphasis on social issues, and its deputies are regular staples of public social grievances (not just political protests).  However, Heritage does not enjoy the wide support the ANC does, and has traditionally failed to spearhead the kind of opposition movement that the ANC dived head-first into.  Nor does it have the political clout that the ANC has been able to establish.  In fact, what Ter-Petrossian and the ANC have accomplished in three years time, Raffi Hovannisian and Heritage have failed to do so in over a decade, despite all good faith efforts.  While it continues to enjoy widespread support among certain core constituencies, Heritage will not register any meaningful gains unless it accepts its shortcomings, puts an end to the divisive rhetoric of some of its delegates (particularly, as it pertains to the ANC and Ter-Petrossia), and compliments the ANC in ways only it can do so. 

This article does justice to neither the virtues nor shortcomings of any of these organizations.  Nor does it care to.  It is high time that these forces put aside trifles and personal spats, hold their own version of dialogue, and overcome the trivial differences dramatized by all sides.  With principles of arbitration and dispute resolution, I believe the substantive differences between the ANC, Heritage and Sardarapat can be worked out. If unified in their vision thatArmeniasimply cannot prosper under the Kocharian-Sargsian style of governance, and that regime change is first and foremost on the agenda, then there is no logical impediment to their cooperation with one another.   

Examples set today will become the foundation upon which our state is built tomorrow; hopefully, long after our current leaders are gone.  True, history will repeat itself.  But where the lessons to be learned can address some of the shortcomings of the past, mistakes will be repeated (hopefully) eventually, and not immediately.  

Comments (14)

dear HH, yes we were victorious in war with Azerbaijan, but that does not give the authority to Levon to sell all the factories in Armenia, I was in Armenia in 1993 & people call it the black year in Armenia, soon after the war people started to leave the country because they were jobless & unemployed, I have seen with my own eyes how the parts of the factories were smuggled out from Armenia in the buses that tourist from Iran would use, please don't cover up Levons ass, even today they are selling Armenia.
Levon Terpetrosian is the biggest cheat of all times in Armenia, during his time as the first president of Armenia he sold all the factories in Armenia, with this fact most Armenians left Armenia cause most of them were jobless, more over who ever sits on the chair with some power in hand starts to rip the people as much as they can, bribery has become some thing very common in Armenia, the Mafia is another gang of cheats sucking the blood of the people,I don't know what is left in Armenia? Gogh goghec goghacav Astvac tesav zarmacav hahahhaha, no one asks levon where are the factories when you were the president of Armenia.
Alex The only thing HAK is fighting for is 'Power'. They do not have it and they want it. They could care less about people .... They will gladly stop all demonstrations, if Sarkissian promises them 10-15 parliament seats.
Edgar: just wanted to provide some proof for my facts: The current socio-political and economic complication in Armenia are the legacy left by former president Levon Ter-Petrosian, said Hans-Jochen Schmidt, the German Ambassador to Armenia during a conference Tuesday organized by the Civilitas Foundation. Speaking at a conference entitled, “Assessing Independence in Armenia and the Region,” the German envoy said that Ter-Petrosian must personally accept responsibility for what happened during his term from 1994 to 1997. “I often hear how the first president criticizes elections and the current authorities during opposition rallies. I asked one of his advisors what he thinks about elections from 1994 to 1997 and he responded by saying that I have wrong information,” said Schmidt. The German envoy, however, said opposition criticism is justified, because there is an oligarchic state in Armenia, “But he has to remember that the foundation for such phenomena was established during his administration.”
Edgar I am also impressed that you can 'write', but I am not impressed that you 'can not read'. I gave you 'fact's. Unfortunately they didn't teach that to you in America. Instead of arguing with the facts that I mentioned, you attacked me: 'I am impressed, though, that you can read with that mind.' I am still saying you are clueless, because you chose not to mention any of the facts I brought up. here they are again: It is fact that LTP rigged 1996 election and it is a fact that he brought the tanks to the street. It is fact that the kleptocracy started with LTP. It is fact that He fired his foreign minister Raffi Hovannisian for mentioning the Genocide in Istanbul. It is fact that he wanted to make major concessions to Azerbaijan It is fact that he banned the country's largest daily newspaper. (Yerkir) Now I will be willing to listen to you argue with these 'facts' A note to HH: I am stating the facts about LTP because the article tried to whitewash LTP's sins and blame everything on Sarkissian and Kocharian. We shouldn't forget that the kleptocracy system started under LTP. All 3 presidents are to blame for Armenia's problems. As we say: Ամէնն էլ թող իրենց յուղով տապկւէն
Mr. Martirosyan, Thank you for writing the article and thank you for your thoughts. However, I must disagree with you on one point: the Sargsyan regime is NOT on its last leg, unfortunately. Your concerns, therefore, are very much to the point. If the opposition parties or ANC does not develop a viable strategy soon, the existing situation will recreate itself, and perhaps in a more virulent strain.
Alex Sinanyan
Yes chem kartsum vor bolor batsasakan yerevuytneri skzbnaghbyure petk e veragrel Levon Ter Petrossianin.Yurakanchyur yerkir, vore 3,4 kam 5 tari yeghel e paterazmi mej, namanavand nor ankakhutyun dzerk berats yerkir, ayn el khorhrdayin miutyan kazmits, khaytnver ayd nuyn vijakum.Yerevi shatere chgiten vor atomakayane pakvets Moskvai kargadrutyamb minchev ankakhutyun hrchakele.Heto, vorkan yes hishum em Vrastanits yekogh gazatare grete amen shabat paytetsnum ein yev minchev ayd hatvatse veranorogum ein mi urish tegh ein vnasum.Yerevi khzvetsin bolor arevtrakan yev artadrakan kapere khorhrdayin yerkrneri het yev ayln, yev ayln.Aynpes vor jisht che amen inch bardel Levon Ter Petrossiani vra, verjapes 15 tari e arden yerkri gheke urish mardkants dzerkum e.Togh veratsnein ayd oligarkhik hamakarge.Bayts endhakarake ayn tsaghkets, bargavajets yev aysor yerkri harstutyune kutakvel e mi kani tasnyak mardkants yev nrants barekamneri dzerke yev hents nrank el yerkire tanum en kortsanman.Aysor miak uzhe vor zhoghovrdin hamakhmbel e ir shurje yev inch vor ban uzum e pokhel the HAKn e, mnatsatse(zharangutyun, dashnaktutyun yev ayln)parap khosum en miayn.
Hena tesnum enq Hayastani glkhin inch khagher eq khaghum.
Es Amerikayi Levoni vkanern en ha hima mnacel miajn, bolory trel en sranq nor zrtnel en: Edgar Hayastany aystegh e, ete ban unes aselu ed yerkiry togh ari estegh: Enteghic khorhurdner taly enqan hesht e
It is not even a problem, but indeed a tragedy, that reading this very reasonable article, nobody discusses it but use the opportunity to display their hatred towards LTP. What’s wrong with you, people? Now, Mr. Martirosyan, do you see why unification is not happening? Nobody said a word about Jharangutyun or Sardarapat, but everyone, including in the Facebook, tried to demonstrate their “bravery” of blind hatred once more and again and again. Simply because hating is more important for them than the country, the future, and even the past. Because saying things about LTP is allowed, it has been tested and secure. So, when they read about anything at all, they keep writing the same anti-logical, logic-offending things over and over. Այն հանգամանքը, որ այս խելամիտ, տրամաբանական, հարցեր արծարծող հոդվածը կարդալուց հետո ոչ ոք փորձ չի անում քննարկելու, այլ շարունակում են միայն Լևոնին վատաբանել, պարզապես ազգային ողբերգություն է: Նկատում եք, չէ՞, որ բառ իսկ չկա Ժառանգության կամ Սարդարապատի մասին (թեև պետք էլ չի, որ լինի, ինչպես նաև չպետք է լիներ ԼՏՊ-ի մասին/, բայց, ամեն անգամվա նման, նույնիսկ խոհարարական ռեցեպտի մասին հոդվածի առիթը գործածվում է՝ Լևոնին հայհոյելու համար: Ոնց որ ուղեղների մեջ ճիճու ընկած լինի: Եվ դա արվում է սոսկ այն պատճառով, որ ատելն իրենց համար ավելի կարևոր է, քան այն խնդիրը, թե ի՞նչ անել՝ այս վիճակից դուրս գալու համար. պարզ ասած՝ քան Հայաստանն ու իրենց իսկ ապագան:
Ekeq bolors sksenq haykakan harceri shurj angleren xosel!
Edgar Martirosyan
Hagop and Grikor. You'd do best to take a page from HH. He presented solid arguments for his position. You two, on the other hand, attacked me personally. Grikor, you particularly need no response. Your comments do justice as to who's really clueless. I am impressed, though, that you can read with that mind.
Hagop, there were no dark days: there was WAR. Remember? And, a victorious one. Did you ever think about the fact that Levon not only liberated Artsakh, but doubled its size? How come you think he was selling out? simple logic would have led anyone to think that those who slender and curse the victorious leader are those who didn't want Armenia to win. How many times and where did you see any country, but especially a collapsed one (from both the collapse of the soviet economy and 1988 earthquake), to win a war with an enemy 4 times bigger than she and still have electricity all the time, probably for those who wanted so badly to watch TV at that time. I don't know a family of freedom fighters who complained about the days with no or little electricity. All complaining is done by those who themselves are complainable.
So I guess Hetq just prints articles from any clueless individuals as long as they are pro-LTP. The writer forgets to mention that the root of all the chauvinistic kleptocracy and oligarchy is (and was) Levon TP. Most of the people in charge of the government today are from Levon's clan. The writer forgets to mention that the so called 'peaceful protesters' looted stores and fired guns at the police. The writer forgets to mention that LTP deployed tanks to the streets of Yerevan to quell protests over his election fraud. The only reason there were no casualties in 1996 was because then Armenia had a responsible opposition leader who instead of agitating the situation defused it (unlike LTP in 2008). How easily we forget (or choose to forget). It would be beneficial for the author to study some history before writing a new article for hetq.

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