Cardiovascular Diseases the Number 1 Cause of Death in Armenia
Cardiovascular ailments were the number one cause of death (50%) in Armenia from 2011 to 2014.
Malignant tumors followed at 20%; digestive ailments - 6%; respiratory – 6%; unfortunate accidents and poisoning – 5%; endocrine ailments – 4-5%; congenital disorders – 1.6%; infectious and bacterial illnesses – less than 1%.
HIV related illnesses accounted for 25 deaths in 2014, up from 15 in 2013.
There were 699 registered instances of suicides and attempted suicides in 2014, down 6.4% from 2013. 168 of these resulted in death.
The average lifespan of women in Armenia stands at 78 years and 72 for men.
These figures are from Armenia’s National Statistical Service.
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