Armenia’s Law on Medical Assistance and Service guarantees that each citizen has the right to receive priority free medical care. In other words, emergency services are free to all regardless of socio- economic status or age. In emergency situations, medical care is also free.
In 2014, emissions into the atmosphere comprised 270,900 tons; 52.6% came from vehicles and 47.4% from stationary sources of emission.
From 2000 – 2014, while the number of permanent residents in Armenia dropped by 6.4% (207,300), the number of pupils attending public school (grades 1-12) in Armenia dropped by 40%.
Hetq has taken a look at past national elections and has revealed that while the number of residents in Armenia has been decreasing, the number of eligible voters has increased.
As of 2010, pensions and average salaries have risen and the number of families receiving assistance has fallen. At the same time, the number of those living under the poverty line in 2013 rose by 4.4% when compared to 2008.
Malignant tumors followed at 20%; digestive ailments - 6%; respiratory – 6%; unfortunate accidents and poisoning – 5%; endocrine ailments – 4-5%; congenital disorders – 1.6%; infectious and bacterial illnesses – less than 1%.