Hetq Reporter’s Lawyer Calls on Court to Display
Vahe Grigoryan, the lawyer for Hetq reporter Grisha Balasanyan who initiated a slander suit against MP Ruben Hayrapetyan, predicted today that they won win the case if the court employed the same rationale it used in the case when Hayrapetyan and two other MP’s sued the newspaper Haykakan Zhamanak.
It the latter case, the court found in favour of the MP’s who had charged the paper with slander and defamation. Balasanyan has charged Hayrapetyan with using foul language of a sexually explicit nature directed against him during a phone interview.
Mr. Grigoryan said he hoped that the court, which has accepted Balasanyan’s case, would at least show the same uniformity of approach as in the Haykanan Zhamanak case, despite the fact that he disagreed with the ruling.
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