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Two Artsakh Boys, Injured by Azerbaijani Shelling, In Stable but Serious Condition

The Artsakh Ministry of Health reports that two children injured by Azerbaijani shelling in the Martouni district of the country have been transferred to the Arevik Chilkdren’s Health Unit and are in stable but serious condition.

Vardan Andreasyan (b. 2004) suffered an injury to his right thigh bone and Gevorg Grigoryan (b. 2005) suffered a wound on the right thigh.

The two boys have received medical care and are being monitored at the facility’s resuscitation unit. 

Comments (14)

CommentStability and peace in Southern Caucasus were damaged from the settlement day of Armenians in the region in the 18th century. (The Armenian Question in the Caucasus, Russian Archive Documents and Publications (1724-1914), Volume I, p. 112-114). Calling themselves peaceful and oppressed nation, Armenians have been involved in many conflicts with nations in neighborhood. An obvious example is Karabakh war....
War is a terrible thing. I can say as person whose family is affected by it. What we want is justice. What we want is to live in peace. What we want is to wake up in mornings without fear that our children might die in contact zone. For this there is only one thing to do. Armenian illegal troops should go out of Azerbaijan. Simple armenian does not need this meaningless war. What else can Azerbaijan do for peace? Isn't autonomy enough?
Fighting takes place on internationally recognised territories of Azerbaijan. Regardless of 4 UNSC resolutions, ECoHR decision on Chiragov and others v. Armenia case, Armenia still continues its occupation. Not any single rational person would enjoy war. I personally as well as gov. of Azerbaijan several times expressed that this conflict should be solved in peaceful terms. But, frankly, first of all, for that Armenian combatants should leave Azerbaijani territories. http://2001-2009.state.gov/p/eur/rls/or/13508.htm
As goodwill Azerbaijan has announced unilateral ceasefire today, but Armenian troops continued to attack opposite sides. Isn’t it an evident proof of Azerbaijani’s will to solve this conflict peacefully? http://www.un.org/press/en/2008/ga10693.doc.htm
U want history? here is history for you: After the end of first world war, France, Britain and US agreed to divide Turkey in seperation zones. One of its parts (eastern Turkey) was intended to be given to Armenia, but Ataturk ruined all of these ideas. Armenian desire of Greater Armenia and other kind of historical fake stories take its roots from this period. Armenians were massively moved to Azerbaijani territories (namely Karabakh and Nakhchiven) during Russian Empire in 19th century. During Stalin’s period of USSR, again Armenian were moved to Karabkh. It shows that this is our territories. You have illegally occupied it, killed our mothers and sisters. We pursued for more than 25 years peaceful resolution of this conlifct. We were ready to give autonomy to Armenians in Azerbaijan. But you refused! Nobody wanted war. Nobody wants it now. But with all my due respect, don't u think time for leaving territories of Azerbaijan came? P.S. if u are unable to find unbiased information about what I have written here, just let me know, I will share some links. Good luck! Peace! http://2001-2009.state.gov/p/eur/rls/or/13508.htm http://www.un.org/press/en/2008/ga10693.doc.htm https://lovdata.no/static/EMDN/emd-2005-013216-2.pdf
Fighting takes place on internationally recognised territories of Azerbaijan. Regardless of 4 UNSC resolutions, ECoHR decision on Chiragov and others v. Armenia case, Armenia still continues its occupation. Not any single rational person would enjoy war. I personally as well as gov. of Azerbaijan several times expressed that this conflict should be solved in peaceful terms. But, frankly, first of all, for that Armenian combatants should leave Azerbaijani territories.
Inter-ethnic clashes between the two broke out shortly after the parliament of the NKAO in Azerbaijan voted to unify the region with Armenia on 20 February 1988. The circumstances of the dissolution of the Soviet Union facilitated an Armenian separatist movement in Soviet Azerbaijan. The declaration of secession from Azerbaijan was the final result of a territorial conflict regarding the land.
Make dolma, not war! War has never brought advantage to any country, This conflict should and can be resolved in peaceful terms. However, two points should be met: Armenian armed forces should leave territories of Azerbaijan, ethnic Azerbaijanis should brought back to their lands. Simple, right?
Karabakh has been always part of Azerbaijan. It was occupied illegally by Armenians. Just read this: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-18270325.
[email protected]
It is we who wanted peace. It is we who waited for morality of Armenia for more than 25 years. But, it is Armenia that illegally continued occupation of Azerbaijani lands, used its resources for gaining money, killed so brutally Azerbaijani children, elderly people as well as women. Just remember Khojali genocide. Ur president, Sargasyan himself said that “till Khojali Azerbaijanis thought that Armenians cannot kill, here we are!” Is it ur humanistic approach?
We are all saddened by the fact that we had to lose so many innocent soldiers, but as I said at the end of the day it is their duty. And its not a matter of valuing land more than human lives , but we lost so many families,That it is now our duty to do all that we can to get it back to the people who lost parts of their families and were never able to visit them again.
Azerbaijan has repeatedly brought to the attention of the international community that the illegal presence of Armenian armed forces in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan remains a main cause for the escalation of situation and continues to pose threat to the regional peace and stability. http://www.un.org/press/en/2008/ga10693.doc.htm 2. http://2001-2009.state.gov/p/eur/rls/or/13508.htm 3. https://lovdata.no/static/EMDN/emd-2005-013216-2.pdf
Sevil Jafarova
U want history? here is history for you: After the end of first world war, France, Britain and US agreed to divide Turkey in seperation zones. One of its parts (eastern Turkey) was intended to be given to Armenia, but Ataturk ruined all of these ideas. Armenian desire of Greater Armenia and other kind of historical fake stories take its roots from this period. Armenians were massively moved to Azerbaijani territories (namely Karabakh and Nakhchiven) during Russian Empire in 19th century. During Stalin’s period of USSR, again Armenian were moved to Karabkh. It shows that this is our territories. You have illegally occupied it, killed our mothers and sisters. We pursued for more than 25 years peaceful resolution of this conlifct. We were ready to give autonomy to Armenians in Azerbaijan. But you refused! Nobody wanted war. Nobody wants it now. But with all my due respect, don't u think time for leaving territories of Azerbaijan came? P.S. if u are unable to find unbiased information about what I have written here, just let me know, I will share some links. Good luck! Peace! http://2001-2009.state.gov/p/eur/rls/or/13508.htm http://www.un.org/press/en/2008/ga10693.doc.htm https://lovdata.no/static/EMDN/emd-2005-013216-2.pdf
Is anybody helping the families involved in these atrocities ? If not, can we do something about helping them.

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