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Edik Baghdasaryan

Saudi Sheikh Gets Forest; Public Gets Duped!

Yesterday, the RA government decided to allocate 147.51 hectares of land belonging to the rural community of Artavaz to the company A&M Rare Ltd. Much of the land in question is forested acreage in the public trust.

The transfer came in the form of an open-ended, non-cost, leasing arrangement and was proposed by Minister of Agriculture Sergo Karapetyan.It is the Ministry of Agriculture that is mandated with the protection and preservation of Armenia’s forests.

So what were the arguments used by Minister Karapetyan to justify the land transfer to Saudi Arabian Sheikh Muhammed Musallami and Armenian MP Gagik Abrahamyan. (The latter is the brother of Russian-Armenian businessman Ara Abrahamyan).

Here’s the official justification:

“Due to the non-systematic logging as a consequence of the energy crisis of the 1990s, the forests of Armenia were badly damaged. Much of the forests have been degraded and are no longer able to reproduce. In addition, the forests no longer carry out their environmental functions (halting land erosion, water regulation, soil protection). Erosion and soil loss has begun. Due to the energy crisis, the forests and forested lands of Kotayk Marz have also suffered and are in need of serious preservation. Thus, the preservation of these degraded forests is a primary problem for the country.”

There’s also an interesting passage in the bill. Let’s quote a part dealing with public participation.

“The public was never informed regarding the RA government’s decision to allocate forested lands to A&M Rare Ltd. The public never participated in the drafting of the bill or hearings regarding the RA government’s decision to allocate forested lands to A&M Rare Ltd.”

In a word, this government couldn't care less what the people think.

Dear members of the government, there are lands in the Ararat Valley, in Lori and Tavoush, the forests of Syunik, which are also degraded. Lake Sevan is turning into marshland...So why don’t you take all these lands and hand them over to a few sheikhs and finish your despicable mission.

After this, we will know whom to petition with our demands.

Comments (6)

Yerb Hay azgen hayastanum che khosum, bnakana ove ench uzuma anuma azge het, mafian me koghmec me shark pashtonakner karavarutyan mej me koghmecen ccum Hay azge arunen, ove era eshen vonc uzuma kshuma arhamarelov azge shaherec yev azge unecvackec, ed kraken vor duk varumek araj cukhen tser achkere meje gnalu.
Levon ter petrosiane jamanak sagh gorcaneren cakhecek yev azgen mnac angorc meknelov depe America yev ayl yevropakan yrkerner, hemael hogherenek nverum Arabstanen tser shahere hamar, vagh yev meusornel azgenek cakhelu, haskanumek enchek anum??? cankacac Arabakan yrkernerum me bur hogh chen cakhe voryve otaraceneren, gone arabnerec me ban sovorek, el ban che mnacel hayastanum vor vajarek, kanevor hayreneke arjeken chgetek yev chek gnahatum, enchu ayd Ter petroseanen chek kanchu dataran yev eranec uzek vor bacdre vorteghe ayd gorcaraneren yrb comonistutyunen blvec??? de bnakana boloretel erar het goghacak azge unecvacken yev taparak darcrak Hay azgen, ove nstume me pashtonakan atore vra eskuyn sksume koghoptel azgen er shahere hamar, kasharakerutyunen arden darcele normal eravejak hayastanum, el enchek mec mec khosum yev khmum hayastane kenacen? anbayrutyunen Hayastanum yev Dubaium teraptume yrkeren ashkhatank chlenelu hetevankec, Parskakan disconerum Hay aghjekneren zbaghvum, hay aghjekneren skselen amusnanal Parsek azge het, sharunakem te asem kecce mer mayr Hayastan???
Vaghe hon mzgit al GE shinen, garavaragan mart mn al patsume gne. 10 dari vertch al Turkere hon gaghoten. Isgabes vor shad khelatsi hayrenagitsner oonink, amen or not pasd me ga!
Isk bnapahpanakan porcaqnnutiun minch the petq cher? Te drakan e?
Տեսնես Տիգրան Սարգսյանը հայելու մեջ նայելիս չի ամաչում իր արարքների համար: Լավ , մինչև երբ ու մինչև ուր, ասեք բոլորիս , որ շուտով ճորտ ու ստրուկ եք դառնալու, որ քիչ-քիչ համակերպվենք էդ մտքին
Տիգրան Մովսիսյան
Բառեր չեմ գտնում, ճիշտն ասած գտնում եմ բայց անհարմար եմ զգում գրել....

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