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Seda Hergnyan

Armenia Participates in Astana EXPO 2017; Spends $40,000 in World Bank Grant

Armenia is one of the 115 countries participating in the EXPO 2017 in Astana (Kazakhstan) that kicked off on June 10 and will run until September 10.

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan was there on opening day.

The expo's theme is "Future Energy", and aims to create a global debate between countries, nongovernmental organizations, companies and the general public on the crucial question: "How do we ensure safe and sustainable access to energy for all while reducing CO2 emissions?”

Armenia has paid US$40,000 to participate. The money was a grant from the World Bank.

It was April 2015 when Armenia decided to participate in the Astana expo. In February 2016, the government reversed its decision, arguing the costs outweighed the benefits. In December of the same year, the government reached a final decision to attend.

Armenia paid no rent for a stall at the expo. A space was allotted for free by the organizers.

The Armenian stall is located in an annex called the Silk Road, where the stalls of five other nations are located.

Given that the theme of the expo is renewable energy, Armenia is represented at the expo by the Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund of Armenia.

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