Armenia's Government Debt Up 3.3%
Armenia’s government debt stood at US$6.141 billion at the end of June 2017.
It’s risen by $199 million (3.3%) since the beginning of this year.
The country’s external debt is $4.942 billion and its internal debt, $1.198 billion.
Data from the National Statistical Service
P.S. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Armenia was worth 10.55 billion US dollars in 2016. Armenia recorded a government debt equivalent to 42.23 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product in 2015. Government Debt to GDP in Armenia averaged 34.44 percent from 1997 until 2015, reaching an all-time high of 46.19 percent in 1999 and a record low of 13.56 percent in 2008.
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