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A New Physics Laboratory Opened in Etchmiadzin

A new laboratory of physics opened at Vagharshapat school #4 on December 16, 2011. It’s been several years that Ayb Educational Foundation designs and launches modern subject-specific laboratories (AybLabs) at Yerevan and regional schools.

At the opening of the new AybLab at Vagharshapat school, headmaster Arusyak Mouradyan and executive director of Ayb Educational Foundation David Sahakyan welcomed the guests. The guests were invited to see the facilities and technological equipment of the physics AybLab, to follow the experiements performed by the students. Among the guests of the event were many of the graduates of this school who have reached considerable achievements in the field of physics.

Two new AybLabs of chemistry and biology will be soon launched in this school, as well.

Ayb opened its first physics and chemistry AybLabs at A. Shahinian Physics-Mathematics Special School in Yerevan in 2007. Last year, the computer science AybLab in Berd and two ecology AybLabs (unique in their form and content in the whole region) in Kajaran were founded. Construction of new AybLabs in Yerevan and regional schools is underway.

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iroq arjani dprocum eq yntrel vortex ka ev qnqk yev vorak graget y ashxatox tnoren y ancnakazm

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