Open your eyes, people!
On behalf of thousands of Armenians, we raise our voice against injustice and lawlessness that have become a style of work of the Armenian Government, which, with its own decisions, has legitimized illegal actions, deprived its citizens of their properties and facilitated their emigration.
In a country where according to official data 36% of the population is poor, every fourth child is in need, hundreds of children don’t go to schools due to difficult social conditions, villages nearby the borders are massively emptying out, the government does not spare evicting people from their homes in the name of the “primary public interest.” Thus, for the sake of business interests of a private company, external borders of the country are left with no people.
Vast amounts of money, generated from the exploitation of natural resources belonging to us, are sent to offshore accounts instead of the state budget. Then, the same money magically returns to Armenia in form of investments. International financial organizations, growing close with the local oligarchic capital and looking all innocent, have been literally plundering Armenia, eliminating not only the natural resources, but also our spiritual world and culture. The noted financial organizations as well as their local servants, who circulate their criminal capital, are very well known to everyone though they continue to live in an illusion of impunity.
But you, developed countries, you who boast with your democratic traditions, ensure protection of human rights and liberties in your countries, do you have any idea that you are the ones completely responsible for the misery, blood and tears of the people. Remember that the welfare of your countries’ children is built on the hardships of hungry children.
Is the population of your country aware of such ferocious truth? You, the state officials of German Federation, have you informed your citizens that the molybdenum sent to Germany from Armenia has caused hundreds of severe illnesses among Armenian children. And now those kids will lose their homes. Where is your moral responsibility? Millions of dollars given by the international organizations, the Global Ecology Foundation, World Bank and other financial institutions are injected as a drug into this dying, devastated body of the system.
Don’t you know, or do you pretend not to know, that with your investment you neither promote human rights values in Armenia (which you “advocate” so widely) nor improve the social condition? Rather, you feed a corrupt system; you support even wider polarization, complete and final demoralization of this society. All this will lead to your end one day.
We do not trust these financial systems. We call to all people of the world for whom human rights and freedoms are values; demand from your government a sense of responsibility towards other people, by you taxes do not render others unhappy do not rob them; this is a new and unique expression of racism. Do not agree to live at the expense of suffering children.
The nature of Armenia is unique. It comprises only 6.7% of the Caucasian eco-region but around 60% of Caucasian eco-diversity is here (out of 6000 plants the 3500 grow in our country). Let’s not allow destroying the natural resources; forests, water, atmosphere. In this lovely country the mining cannot be a major branch of economy.
The planet Earth is so small and sensitive that we all are connected to each other with invisible threads. Let’s not allow that the zombie avidity of global monster capital and several immoral folks finally deprive the human existence. This is not only the problem of Armenia.
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