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Diana Ghazaryan

2017: Armenia Received $101 Million in Humanitarian Aid

 In 2017, some AMD 48.781 billion (US$101 million) in humanitarian aid was sent to Armenia; 2.2 times more than in 2016.

AMD 39.994 billion of the total was in the form of chemicals and related manufactures. This amount is 3.5 times more than in 2016.

AMD 1.929 billion worth of textiles were sent to Armenia last year, down 39% from 2016.

The United States sent the largest amount of aid -  $9.4 million. Overall, however, the amount of humanitarian aid from the U.S. dropped a bit when compared to 2016.

Switzerland sent $8.5 million in aid, followed by China ($5.650million), Germany ($4.465 million), and India ($2.994 million).

European Union countries sent $15.363 million in aid in total, while CIS member states sent $9.3million in aid.

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