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Seda Ghukasyan

Hrayr Tovmasyan Wants to Become President of Armenia's Constitutional Court

Former MP Hrayr Tovmasyan, who only last week was elected to Armenia’s Constitutional Court, today announced his candidacy to fill the vacant post of court president.

The post was vacated when Gagik Harutyunyan was elected as President of the Supreme Judicial Council.

Tovmasyan, a legal specialist by profession, served as the Armenian Minister of Justice (2010-2013) and Parliamentary Chief of Staff (2014-2017) prior to his election to the National Assembly in April 2017.

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Ուստեն լյավ գիտի գործը, որ հանկարծ սա մի բան ընենց չանի, կկանչի ու կասի - տո էն բան (էն որ գիտենք) էս ի՜նչ բանություններ ես անում ...

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