Code of Ethics: Investigative Journalists NGO and Hetq Newspaper (Adopted December 6, 2002)
The mission of Investigative Journalists is to reveal the truth and inform the public.
Freedom of speech is the highest value and must be protected at all costs.
Freedom of speech also implies a responsibility that requires us to be fair, objective, and honest.
As journalists of the Investigative Journalists and the Hetq newspaper, by accepting these rules, we undertake to respect the following principles in all cases:
- Publish only reliable and verified information.
- Differentiate information from commentary.
- Do not distort the facts. Correct published mistakes as soon as possible.
- Do not collect information illegally and dishonestly.
- Before accusing someone of an illegal act or inaction, listen to their opinion and give them an opportunity to respond.
- Maintain the principle of the presumption of innocence.
- Indicate the source of the information whenever possible. Given that investigative journalism cannot exist without confidential sources, if there was an agreement not to disclose the source, that promise must be kept.
- Respect copyright principles.
- Do not write material based on paid or unpaid requests.
- Do not accept gifts, refuse free travel, or other services that could call into question our independence and impartiality and jeopardize public confidence in Hetq. If it is not possible to avoid such gifts, accept them and forward them to orphanages, nursing homes, or other similar institutions.
- Respect the right to privacy, prestige, honor, and dignity.
- Do not plagiarize.
- Do not bow to political and financial influences and pressures.
- Not to be a member of any party, not to get involved in politics, not to hold state positions.
- Avoid a second job if it calls into question the journalist's independence and objectivity.
- Avoid having very close ties with officials. Our personal and professional behavior should not inspire distrust and suspicion towards the profession and the newspaper.
Every Hetq journalist should follow the above principles in their professional activities.