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Тирайр Мурадян

13 партий требуют создания штаба оперативного управления военно-политическими вопросами

13 внепарламентских политических сил Армении выступили с заявлением о сложившейся в Арцахе ситуации, которое обнародовал в центре “Симон Врацян” АРФ Дашнакцутюн представитель Верховного органа АРФД Ишхан Сагателян. 

Партии требуют от правительства Армении срочного создания особого государственного органа – штаба оперативного управления военно-политическими вопросами. Этот орган должен иметь полномочие на принятие решений, планирование и координацию оперативных действий.  

Кроме того, с целью организации эффективной обороны партии требуют от правительства вовлечь в этот процесс бывших и действующих президентов, премьер-министров, министров обороны и иностранных дел, имеющих военный  и политический опыт других лиц.  

По словам Ишхана Сагателяна, с первых дней войны политические силы проявили единство, оставив в стороне свои разногласия с властями. В течение 20 дней политические силы регулярно проводили встречи и готовы встретиться с премьер-министром Николом Пашиняном. 

По словам представителя ВО АРФД, о принятом заявлении они поставили в известность бывших президентов Армении и Арцаха, а текст заявления после обнародования будет отправлен им для выражения их позиции. Отдельное обсуждение этого вопроса с премьер-министром Николом Пашиняном не проводилось. 

К заявлению присоединились партии “Свобода”, “Национальная повестка”, “Национально-демократический союз”, “Объединение “Национальное самоопределение”, “Еркир Цирани”, “Наследие”, “Солидарность”, Армянская Революционная Федерация Дашнакцутюн, Демократическая партия Армении, Республиканская партия Армении, “Родина”, “Во имя социальной справедливости”, “Единая Армения”

Комментарии (4)

Markar Vartanian
This was a planned attempt to destroy Armenia, on 28th September a trusted person came back from Artsakh telling us that they are spreading the news that Pashinyan has already sold the land go back home do not lose your life for nothing, in the next few days the rumens were rife, they were telling front line troops who were totally leaderless to leave their positions as everyone was retreating due to overwhelming Azeri forces approaching. In some instances they were providing transport to return the troops back to Yerevan of course after they had taken enough selfies to claim on their Facebook that they were there. I am amazed that people are so stupid to fall for a despicable betrayer such as the one organised by Gagik and Serj ordered by their handlers in the West. They ordered their paid mob to break into Pashinyan home with clear intent of killing him, they organised professional regular members of Armenians forces to refuse to fight and do everything in their power to bring about a catastrophic defeat. I saw a member of these traitors (member of Armenian Parliament ) on TV replying to the reporters question, “what would you have have done if you were in Pashinian’s positions, he replied “I would never have signed the agreement, I would have let Turks to take Artsakh then attempted another military operation to reclaim the Land” These bastards were following their masters orders and for their own gains they were ready to see thousands of solders and civilians die then tell people Pashinyan did it. People of Armenia wake up and smell the matnakash, support Pashinyan help him to cut this cancerous tumour once and for all. Thank you for reading and God bless all our hero’s and their families, God bless the hard working people of Armenia and Artsakh, death to traitors
@Ana Thank you for writing what most of Armenians believe at this moment. The old establishment had 30 years to fix many things but they chose to enrich themselves instead. And what good they can do now?? Please for God sake respect the choice of Armenian people and their leadership and work with them. .
ARF Shut-up!
At the time that Armenia needs to stand united against Turk and Azeri aggression, this message and your action will create more division amongst our people. For more than 30 years, the old establishment was in place and some abused their power in order to line their own pockets. Stop this opportunistic and power grabbing approach to bring back corruption and create division. We need to stand united under Pashinian and Artsakh's current leadership. If you truly want to help, work with them.

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