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Trdat Musheghyan

Armenia: Some Businesses to Reopen; No April 24 Public Commemoration

The Armenian government will rescind the ban on several economic activities as of April 13.

"Starting on Monday, agriculture, forestry, fish farming, as well as mining and open pit mining, electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning, water supply, waste management, storage, transportation, finance, and sewage activities will be fully permitted,” Pashinyan said on a live Facebook post.

The operations of these sectors had been banned to halt the spread of the coronavirus.

Pashinyan said that all outdoor construction and tobacco plants would be allowed full operation as of April 13, followed by textile manufacturing and scientific research on April 20.

Pashinyan also touched upon how the public should mark the upcoming holidays and commemorations.

"April 24 is coming soon, we have two holidays in the first ten days of May, the day of the liberation of Shushi and the day of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. Our conclusion is that in this case the participation of citizens in any event should be limited. If we allow these events to proceed as per usual, we will have an uncontrollable outbreak of the epidemic,” Pashinyan said.

Only ceremonial protocols will be held on April 24, the day marking the 1915 Armenian Genocide.  

Thus, there will be no public gatherings or commemorations on April 24.

Pashinyan also stated that public transportation will continue to be prohibited given that experience shows that public transport poses the greatest risk of spreading the coronavirus infection.

Earlier in the day, at a working meeting of government officials to discuss ongoing steps to halt the spread of the virus, it was proposed to extend the state of emergency by thirty days.  

Pashinyan said that inter-provincial transport will continue to be banned in the coming weeks. Taxis will be allowed to operate in Yerevan and the provinces, as well as taxis carrying out special passenger transportation. Under the current restrictions, it will be allowed to travel by private vehicle.

"The fact that we now have a relatively small number of diseases, and the fact that we are creating new areas of activity and opportunities, does not mean that our condition has improved. Our anti-epidemic situation has stabilized but has not improved. In general, we can have a new outbreak of the disease at any moment, which will create more difficulties for us,” Pashinyan said.


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