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"Armenia Wine" - Best Producer of Armenia


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“Armenia Wine” Winery – “Best Producer of Armenia”, according to Grand International Wine Award MUNDUS VINI

Best Producer of Armenia is the eminent and honorable title awarded to "Armenia Wine" at the prestigious Grand International Wine Award MUNDUS VINI. Every year, the best wineries from different countries of the world are awarded the title of "Best Producer" in their country. The choice is made taking into account the quality of wines and production, export volumes, the position of the winery in the local market, and the previous success in the competition. 

This title highlights “Armenia Wine's” uncompromising commitment to the millennial history of quality winemaking, from the careful planting of grapes to the creation of wine.

The triumph of “Armenia Wine” at the world-famous Grand International Wine Award, founded 20 years ago in Germany, is not limited to this title.

The medals won by our wines at the Grand International Wine Award MUNDUS VINI Summer Tasting 2021 and the title of the “Takar” red dry wine “Best of Show Armenia” once again confirm the title of “Best Producer”. It not only brings honor to our winery, but also once again confirms the high quality of armenian wine. At “Armenia Wine”, we combine millennial traditions of winemaking with modern technologies, believing that people feel the breath of history in every sip of our wines. 

“Armenia Wine” has been participating in the MUNDUS VINI international competition since 2016, raising the rating of Armenian winemaking among the world consumers by continuously winning medals.

"By planting the first vineyard in Armavir Region in 2006, the history of “Armenia Wine” winery began, which is full of great love for the homeland, its culture and nature. In 2017, “Armenia Wine” switched to organic gardening, receiving certification from the French company EcoCert. As a result of close cooperation between the RA Ministry of Culture and “Armenia Wine” winery, the first wine history museum in Armenia will soon open in the winery, which aims to develop winemaking culture in Armenia and promote tourism," said Jean-Baptiste Soula, vinery’s general consultant, French winemaker from Bordeaux, France.

The continuous success of “Armenia Wine” defines a new status for Armenian winemaking, returning the old title of "cradle of winemaking".

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