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Armenia Wine Company Partcipates In Third Viticulture Conference

The following is content paid by Armenia Wine Company.

A third meeting dedicated to Ampelography (viticulture) and its problems took place in France.

Armenia Wine Company also participated in the meeting, the largest professional conference in the field of viticulture. The conference was intended to gathering the professionals of the field under the same roof with the aim of professional discussions and exchange of experience.

Nowadays, global viticulture faces serious challenges, and the goal of overcoming them brought together more than 100 participants, researchers, viticulturists and specialists in the field, who gathered within this magnificent conference.

During the conference, speakers discussed the characteristics of grape varieties, their normal growth and the issues of conservation, caused by current climate changes. During the discussions, the participants shared their professional experience, they told about the advantages and disadvantages of their country's terroir and presented their solutions to face climate change.

Jean-Baptiste Soula, the chief consultant of Armenia Wine Company, who lives and works in Bordeaux, France, presented a brief about the millennial heritage of Armenian viticulture, which also includes the pre-Christian period and spreads all over the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. 

Soula also emphasized that Armenia is one of the ancient cradles of viticulture, which is proved by the discovery of the world's oldest, 6,000-year-old winery found in Armenia's Areni village.

Speaking about the Armenian terroir, Soula emphasized the necessity of a burying of vine, especially in the conditions of cold Armenian winters. 

In conclusion of his speech, Soula argued that Areni is Armenia's business card and ambassador in the world of viticulture, and speaks of a fragrant country where grapes grow, fight and survive in an environment full of obstacles.

The major winemaker of Armenia Wine Company also told his colleagues about the recently opened Wine History Museum in Armenia, which presents the 8000-year-old origins of viticulture and 6000-year-old winemaking, the development and the rich culture of wine not only in Armenia, but also in the region.

"No country has such a treasure, and these are not just words, this is really a fact," Soula said.

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