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Tatevik Shaljyan

Convicted Sex Offender Sues Two Newspapers for Slander; Demands 4 Million

Razmik Abrahamyan has sued two newspapers in Armenia for slander based on articles published back in 2003 referring to him as a “pedophile”.

Abrahamyan, in fact, had been charged with committing violent acts of a sexual nature prior to the publications in Aravot and Haykakan Zhamanak.

At today’s opening trial session, Abrahamyan said he was ultimately found guilty by the court based on the negative coverage appearing in the papers. He spent the next nine years behind bars.

The plaintiff is demanding two million AMD from each in compensation.

Abrahamyan brought copies of the articles in question to the court, but they were illegible. Judge Apinyan scheduled the nest trial date for February 25.

Comments (2)

Press has nothing to do with a convicted criminal! Like an Armenian oligarch, he does not like public to know his criminal dark corners!!
Իրերն իրենց անունով կոչելը հանցանք կամ վիրավորանք չէ: Հիմա էլ հանգիստ խղճով լրատվամիջոցները կարող են նրան նույն կերպ կոչել: Դա խարան է ճակատին և նա չպետք է փորձի դրանից ձերբազատվել:

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