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Marine Martirosyan

Expensive Poultry Feed Has Forced Armenia to Import Eggs, Says SCPEC Prez

During today’s parliament session ARF MP Artzvik Minasyan queried State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition (SCPEC) President Artak Shaboyan as to why Armenia has become an importer of eggs when it was exporting them for the past few years.

“Is this a positive outcome of competition or there other issues at work?” Minasyan inquired, and asked Shaboyan why domestic producers haven’t been able to satisfy local demand.

Shaboyan pointed out the high cost of poultry feed in the cost equation, noting that feed is mostly imported. If the price of feed pushes up the price of eggs, it sometimes more cost effective to just import the eggs as well, Shaboyan argued.

The SCPEC president said he saw no problem with importing eggs but rather with unfair competitive practices, one of which is to sell cheaper imports as domestically grown. 

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