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Davutoglu at PACE: 'Armenia Unleashed Aggression Against Azerbaijan'

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu today accused Armenia of “unleashing aggression” against Azerbaijan in an address delivered at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).

Davutoglu stated that the increase of violence in Nagorno Karabakh once again proves that the status quo is untenable and that tensions are now seen in Nakhijevan.

“It is important that the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs warn Armenia to steer clear of aggression. It is very important that we find a way to overcome the problems that have resulted from the occupation of Azerbaijani territory,” Davutoglu said.

Reporters were not allowed to pose questions to Davutoglu. After his address, parliamentarians were allowed to ask questions but members of the Armenian delegation weren’t able to take advantage of the opportunity.

Oksana Mousayelyan reporting from Strasbourg

Photo: Reuters

Comments (2)

Send the Mongols Home
It is always a typical Turk technique to LIE and claim the REVERSE of what is true. Turkish society cannot exist without these techniques. When they commit genocide, they claim their victim committed genocide against them. When they steal lands, they claim those they stole from are the ones who stole their lands. And naturally, when they start war, they will claim the other side started it. Nothing new here, move on.
Jewish? of course. Son of David.

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