The hill seen in this photo is located in the town of Hrazdan (Kotayk Marz). The hill is the site for a new iron ore mine and enrichment plant. Explosives will be used to unearth the iron veins below.
Naira Galstyan’s 7 year-old son and 4 year-old daughter don’t have birth certificates. The children must soon go to school and kindergarten but without documents they won’t be accepted. This family in need also doesn’t receive any state assistance ...
The minister is one of the law-breakers starting in the 1990’s, numerous buildings continue to be constructed on the shores of Lake Sevan – private houses, hotels, cafes. Frequently, they are built right on the shore at a distance less than 1,905 meter ...
Lycos Armenia, an information technology and internet portal company operating in Armenia since 2000 and the main subsidiary of Lycos Europe, has stated that it will be shutting down operations. The shareholders of Lycos Europe, founded in the Netherlands in 1997, have voted to either sell the company or liquidate the firm. Proof of this move is to be found in the financial reports of the company posted on its web site.
These two seven year-old girls, who live in the Lernadzor village in Syunik, are from the group of five children whose hair was found to contain a whole range of heavy metals.
In your statement regarding what happened to Hetq’s editor-in-chief you stated that in the case that the crime isn’t solved it would be correct for the higher echelons of the Police Department to review the competency of the Department’s ...
In February of this year, when a memorandum was signed i between the ROA Ministry of Nature Protection and “Rosatom”, the Russian State Nuclear Energy Corporation, regarding cooperative geological exploration, production and reprocessing ...
The fact that pelicans are targeted by week-end hunters doesn’t seem to faze either the hunters themselves or the administrators of the Sevan Park, whose job is to ostensibly protect and preserve the flora and fauna within the Preserve.
According to various press reports these stones were used by Hovik Abrahamyan, the newly- nominated President of the National Assembly, as facing stones for the newly constructed Saint Hovhannes Church that he financed but also for his private house last year. ...
L. Baghdasaryan - Recent developments in the context of Armenian-Turkish relations are the main focal points for analysts and political scientists. However, only a few up till now have reflected in detail on all those security issues facing Armenia that are ...
Tigran Martirosyan, Director of “The Account” accounting company, observes that, “In our country the President or Prime Minister must state that reforms are being started in order that officials can later claim that ‘henceforth work ...
While work officially was completed in the winter of last year none of the five repaired kindergartens in the Marz we visited were still not up and operating. The cultural houses we saw were either in ruins or with their doors closed.
Other indices also point to the development of the mortgage lending market. According to ROA Central Bank statistics, the total amount of mortgage loans granted by commercial banks and other lending institutions in 2005 was 11.6 billion drams; 25.4 billion ...
At the beginning of the 1960’s a group of young archeologists and geologists unearthed a large quantity of remains forged from a variety of metals while excavating a site along the banks of the Metzamor River in the area of the Taronik village in the Armavir Marz.
In 2005 an agreement was signed between the Government of Armenia and the International Fund for Agricultural Development. $8.9 million of the $28 million allocated by the Fund was targeted to agricultural credits. That same year the “Rural Development ...
From the start the soup kitchens were intended to provide nourishing meals only to the needy elderly. Thus the unemployed, large destitute families and children from one parent households (usually the mother) have been the first to be cut from the registers. ...
In February 2007 “Hetq” published the following articles: “Apartments for Graduates from Children’s Homes are Unfit to Live In” and “Beneficiaries are to Blame, Says Ministry”. It has taken the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Armenia about a year to take an interest in the issues raised in those articles.
At a cabinet session held on April 25th, ROA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan announced that the government would be modifying its working principles regarding the mass media outlets. The PM declared, “In order that we have responsible press resources we first and foremost must have responsible government authorities.” The government has assumed the responsibility of examining all publications that have a social content.
Churchgoers have no idea why the price of candles has gone up; neither do those who sell candles. “They haven’t told us anything,” says a candle seller at the Gregory the Illuminator Church in Yerevan. A new candle price list has been affixed ...
Department heads at the Ministry in Yerevan have been calling the telephone numbers listed on the website in an attempt to find out more about this heretofore unknown company. (The telephone numbers on the site are: Cell-093-55-59-70 and City-010-55-71-06). ...
Grezelda Ghazaryan and her daughter Gayaneh had participated in all the Levon Ter-Petrosyan rallies. That evening at around 9 p.m., upon the invitation of the wife of Vahan Shirkhanyan, a former Deputy Minister of Defense, the two women decided to walk towards ...
There are stamp collectors in Armenia who have unique and valuable collections. The painter Artashes Tarumyan has a collection he calls ‘the First Republic’ that he started to amass back in 1967. He’s often petitioned the government to open ...
Menua Brudyan - 28 years old “There is no law on earth, whether criminal, humanitarian or democratic, that can steal away one’s vote. It is not for sale. They deceive and buy them with money. They created such a social situation where the people ...
Events unfolded quickly. When it was apparent that hostilities would soon break out Albert, Rubik and Ararat left for Yerevan to find out what they could do. They told Mher, “You’re young, and they won’t take you.”
All the guys really miss those days; the clean and honest friendship that only is born through war and not in peacetime.
Some 3,200 herbs grow in Armenia of which 1,500 are medicinal plants. Many such plants are only to be found in Armenia.
After Armenia gained its independence scores of machine-building pants were closed- down and their parts and lathes were sold as scrap to Iran.
Kristina and some other teenagers like her were given the chance to visit Yerevan. They were warned not to picture Yerevan through rose-colored glasses.
This year, for the first time, honey produced in Armenia was considered one of the best at the annual Apimondia (Melbourne, Australia) exposition.
The knitwear factory owned by the company Tosp did not close even during the years of the energy crisis - when there was no electricity during the day. In the years between 1992 and 1996 the seamstresses would start work at night and end in the morning.
After Hetq published an article about two young brothers with serious health problems in its October 15 issue (10,000 Drams and Some Old Clothes from the Social Services Ministry), the family was visited by social workers from the Ghazarian Benevolent Foundation, who expressed the desire to help the children.
"The secret is not the clay or the stone, but the artistic approach to working…," explained artist and designer Armen Atanyan, showing Mané Tiles' handmade mosaics and tiling, designed by his creative group.
After Armenian independence in the 1990s, the houses of many Tashir residents turned into small cheese factories, and Tashir - a city in the provincial region of Lori - became the city of cheesemakers in Armenia.
Eight-year-old Gevorg and ten-year-old Erik are brothers. The care of their mother and grandmother would probably be enough for them if they weren't both ill. Gevorg has a heart disease that according to doctors is the result of going hungry for extended periods. The child survived at the expense of his health. He was too strong to die, but his heart was damaged.
During Soviet years, most (about 70%) of the Armenian Swiss cheese sold in Moscow was made in the Ashotsk Cheese Factory located in the Shirak Marz, which sent 300 of the 1,500 tons it produced each year to Moscow. The location of the factory had been carefully chosen - it was built at an altitude of 2,050 meters, and milk was brought in from nearby villages, because Swiss cheese requires milk produced at high altitudes.
Although the makers of dried fruit in Armenia constantly assure us that this field is developing here, the volume of imported dried fruit is increasing every year while the volume of their export is declining. According to data provided by the Association of Dried Fruit Producers, 2004 saw the import of 919,542 kg of dried fruit (mainly raisins, figs, apricots, black plums, peaches and vegetables in a smaller amount) while 71,884 kg were...
Most of the participants in the 7th Annual Armenia-Expo (September 14-17, 2007) trade and industrial exposition were importing companies. Without counting information and publishing companies, of the 89 producers, only 33 actually manufactured local products - the rest presented imported items including construction material, machinery and food. Most of the Armenian products presented were food items - mineral water, alcoholic drinks, meat...
The director of one of the few carpet-weaving units in Armenia, Mkhitar Simonyan, said that carpet weaving was on the verge of extinction in Armenia. Aida Simonyan ltd., owned by the Simonyan brothers, is located in the Gegharkunik village of Chambarak. The unit has 150 workers, but they only manage to gather around 40 carpet weavers, and that too only in the winter when people come to work there just because they have nothing else to do.
Armenian products are recognized in the international market by a unique 13-digit bar code, which Armenia received in 1996 from the international organization GS1 (
Thirty-eight-year-old Samvel Hovsepyan has voluntarily refused the pension that wounded veterans of the Karabakh war receive. Samvel was wounded twice between 1992 and 1994. The second time he lost his leg and became permanently disabled.
The neighborhood of Madan is located some five kilometers from the center of Alaverdi. In the early 1990's it was exclusively populated by some 800 Greeks. Today, only twenty-four remain, mostly elderly folk. Greeks began to appear in Armenia starting in the second half of the 17 th century.
Six months ago Hetq published an article entitled “You Do That To Mock Us“.
When I asked the children living in the Gavar orphanage who I should talk to, they all agreed. “You ought to meet Sedo. It's his birthday today.”
As recently as a few years ago, the techniques used for baking bread were laborious and it took 10-12 hours for the dough to ferment and be ready to bake.
In May this year, the price of bread went up by 10-20 drams on average.
“My greatest dream is to find my parents and live in one family, “ said 21-year-old Karine.
According to Republic of Armenia's Ministry of Urban Construction, every year over 700,000 tons of waste are generated in the country.
An Interview with Amalia Kostanyan, the President of the Center for Regional Development/Transparency International
Although the Republic of France legally sanctioned the marriage between Hamlet and Juanna Zeynalyan, the country has deported Hamlet and separated the newly established family.