Your Highnes, as an advocate for nature conservation, please refrain from any action related to Amulsar gold mine that will confirm the current project and will make the above-mentioned threats a reality.
A civic group battling to keep the resort town of Jermouk from turning into a mining zone has called on the Minister of Nature Protection to respond to the public petition it made in June.
We will not allow some outside companies to come here, dig up their gold, and thus discredit the brand name of Jermuk. We already have gold; it’s our water.
A conference will take place in Jermuk on March 13 that will review the impact of the Amulsar gold mine on the town, noted for its natural mineral springs.
The documentary film “Amoulsar – Gold Rush” will be shown today at 3:30pm at the Ani Plaza Hotel in Yerevan.