An interview with Daniel Moßbrucker, journalist on surveillance, data protection and internet regulation politics, trainer for digital security for journalists, and policy advisor at Reporters Without Borders Germany.
Residents of Sisakyan Street, in Yerevan’s Ajapnyak District, are up in arms about a 12-story building being constructed in their neighborhood of private homes and low-rise apartment buildings.
Alexandra Wrage is the president and founder of TRACE, an anti-bribery business organization based in the U.S. that provides third party risk management solutions to its corporate clients.
If Armenia ever offers a Golden Visa program, the recommended price for citizenship could be as low as $50,000, according to a report prepared by a leader in the global immigration and investment services industry.
Armenia’s Administrative Court has found in favor of Artashes Hovhannisyan, a former minority shareholder of Ameriabank, who had demanded that the bank return the five shares he owned before they were consolidated and purchased by the bank’s majority shareholders.
Hetq explores the efficacy of the Gardasil vaccine imported to Armenia. The vaccine is supposed to prevent HPV (Human Papillomavirus - the most common sexually transmitted infection).
An interview with International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) Deputy Director Marina Walker-Guevara.
The 10th Global Investigative Journalism Conference, offering more than 100 panels, workshops, and seminars and presenting top journalists from more than 100 countries, kicked off today in Johannesburg, South Africa.
In May 2017, the Armenian government invited Arman Arton, the president of Arton Capital (registered in Hungary) and other company representatives to Armenia.
Bayina is a woman from Mongolia who lives in Antaramej, a village in Armenia’s Gegharkunik Province.
A project designed to improve the seismic safety of schools in Armenia, and to decrease the risk of death or injury of the students inside, is going nowhere fast.
Narek Petrosyan was discharged around three months after being called to the army. Parents were told that a lung disease was the cause. Only after arriving in Yerevan it turned out that in reality it was a complicated cancer that was spread in the body by metastasis.
Almost two weeks after Hetq requested the names streets scheduled to be paved and blacktopped during the first half of the year, the Yerevan Municipality says it’s still working on compiling such a list.
In Armenia, a state agency may borrow millions of dollars giving approximate and inflated promises, not implement them and not be subjected to any liability.
According to the financial disclosure he filed as a candidate, Avagyan’s revenues for the period February 2, 2016 to February 2, 2017 moistly derived from two donations he received from Khachik Zakaryan.
A US$30 million World Bank financing project launched in 2014 to rehabilitate 17 high schools in Armenia by 2019 has been halted mid-stream due to lack of funds.
A Los Angeles court has sentenced 33-year-old NersesGalstyan to life imprisonment without early parole for gunning down four men on April 3, 2010 at a local restaurant.
These are textbooks distributed freely to pupils. The ministry has contracted with various publishers to print the textbooks, without any competitive bids.
An Armenian court has sentenced Rafal Zelbert, a Polish national arrested at Yerevan’s Zvartnots Airport on November 15, 2015 for attempting to smuggle 13 kilograms of cocaine into the country, to fifteen years’ imprisonment.
The decision was adopted and the property rights to this state-owned land in downtown Yerevan were registered to Sohocenter LLC, but till today there is no Book World on the site.
Artyom Gasparyan, a suspect in a crime spree in California’s Los Angeles County who was apprehended in a police shootout in January, faced arraignment yesterday on more than two dozen charges, including capital murder.
The investigations will look into how state funds have been spent, the spending of non-budgetary funds, and how state property is being managed and operated.
Brazilian resident Malika Aboussena shared a photo of her friend Rafal Zelbert on Facebook and wrote: “Beautiful eyes; where are you now?”
Shoushanna Shahinyan, an agent at Yerevan’s Trichk Travel says that Air France is definitely promoting the route and that the price was good.
If you don’t have that inner drive, inner will, you will not be able to do this type of work, because it’s very difficult, risky, and there are many other easier ways to be a journalist.
Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan has recently organized a number of advisory meetings designed to tighten the monitoring of elevators in Armenia’s capital. Such meetings become more frequent whenever news gets out about a mechanically unsafe elevator or, tragically, whenever someone is injured or even killed.
When the next tragic accident occurs, it will come out that the real owner (Argishti) didn’t have a contract with the service provider. The courts will make the same revelation and, just like in the case of Aghavni Kivrikyan, no one will be held accountable.
Police Deadline Passes - Situation on Baghramyan Remains Tense
On June 3, 2015, Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan declared the formation of a working group tasked with studying the potential that caves in Armenia have in terms of tourism.
Student Aid Wasn’t Returned to the State Budget.
U.S. law enforcement agencies arrested 32 people, including a number of Armenians, on May 6 after being charged with various criminal conspiracy charges.
In Yerevan’s polyclinics about 80 percent of the X-ray machines in use are past their expiration date.
Despite tests in 2013 showing excessive hormones in imported chicken, government meat inspectors in Armenia appear to inadequately test meat coming into the country.
50% of all the medical equipment now being used in Yerevan polyclinics is at least 25 years old.
Sometimes, the winning publishers have supplied textbooks at a greater price than their competitors.
The Ministry of Education and Science and the State Committee of Science refuse to publish their names without the grounds per an act of law prohibiting them from maintaining their secrecy.
An equally puzzling question is where the 16.8 million AMD, which the university hasn’t disbursed, has gone?
Land in the town of Kapoutan in Kotayk Province is selling like hotcakes, as residents continue to bid on land sold at auctions, resulting in lots being sold for much more than the starting bid.
The main player in the recent launching of hot houses in Goght is none other than Aram Gharibyan, the main advisor to Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan.
Tons of crops grown in Armenia's villages are thrown out every year because the middlemen sell them at double to triple the price in Yerevan's markets, says head of the central Armenian town of Aramus, Hrayr Nikoghosyan (pictured).
Future funds should be devoted to other investments.
A group of South Caucasus Railway CJSC employees are on strike. They are demonstrating outside the company's head office, protesting the deduction of pension payments from their salaries.
With the mandatory individual pension system now in operation in Armenia, the country’s State Revenue Committee (SRC) is offering courses to acquaint mostly uniformed citizens on its intricacies. There’s one catch – the course cost 12,000 AMD ($30 U.S.)
According to a report published last August by a major U.S. social policy research organization, the 16.6 million USD allocated by the Millennium Challenge Corporation to fund agricultural training in Armenia from 2007 to 2011 was a total failure.
A wondrous, one of a kind, helicitite once graced the wall of the Bears Cave in Yeghegnadzor, Armenia. Now, it is gone.
Russia’s Federal Service for Veterinary and Photsanitary Surveillance reports that it has recently placed restrictions on the importation of products manufactured by companies based in Armenia for health and safety reasons.
In a follow-up to yesterday’s Hetq story regarding the U.S. banning the importation of a certain type of Lori Cheese from Gyumri, Armenia’s Ministry of Agriculture’s Food Safety Inspectorate claims that the cheese in question passed a safety exam on June 17 of this year.
In August of this year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration blocked the importation of a certain type of Lori Cheese from Armenia on sanitary grounds.
Residents of Kotayk's Nournous village point to the private house being built by Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan as a "must see" local attraction. This fact was noted to us by a villager who lives opposite the sprawling house as we passed by.