Kristineh Khachatryan and her husband live in the town of Elektrostal outside Moscow.
Armenia High Commissioner of Diaspora Affairs Zareh Sinanyan, at a press conference today in Yerevan, stated that his office continues to organize web-based seminars (webinars) bringing specialists in Armenia and the diaspora together to discuss a ho
Armen Markosyan has been pacing up and down the corridors of Moscow's Domodedovo airport for three days now. He’s waiting for a special flight, organized by the Moscow Armenian Embassy, to return seasonal workers like him to Armenia.
"The adoption of the bill will contribute to the formation of joint legal regulations in the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union," the ministry said.
Hrachuhie Hovvyan worked as a nanny, making 3,500 drams ($7) daily, until Armenia declared a coronavirus state of emergency on March 16.
Yerevan’s Metro stopped running today.
Safaryan made the gloomy prediction at a press conference today in Yerevan, reporting that during the first quarter of 2020, 150,000 less tourists visited Armenia than the same period last year.
Vrezh Gabrielyan, who heads the Rescue Service of Armenia’s Ministry of Emergency Situations, reported today that a member of the Service’s Yerevan brigade has tested positive for Covid-19.
Utilities in Armenia have taken different approaches when it comes to customers paying their bills during the ongoing coronavirus emergen
The flight departing from Italy to Armenia at 21:30 today is delayed.
School Principal Arusyak Muradyan told Hetq that 35 pupils are currently being isolated with their parents.
4,799 road accidents were registered in Armenia in 2019, killing 341 and injuring 6,801. This is the highest number of accidents since 2006.
Former Yerevan Mayor Yervand Zakharyan no longer faces charges of masterminding a real estate swindle in 2008 that allowed for a parcel of land registered as a municipal green zone to be sold to a private company.
Armenia’s Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs wants to create a separate program designed to target assistance to young people aged 16-23 who either have disabilities or face socio-economic hardships.
The contract given to Hetq wasn’t complete. It lacked those appendices referring to the unit price specified by the company.
Hetq has studied data on adoptions in Armenia for the past ten years. Here are some interesting facts from the statistics of adoption.
Telcell, Idram, EasyPay, MobiDram – are linked to former government officials and banking system companies
The NSC report, covering population statistics since 1990, states that the Armenia’s population stood at 3.633 million in 1992.
Armenia’s Ministry of Defense plans to introduce a bill that, if passed, would allow the military police to monitor telephone conversations of conscript and contract servicemen in the armed forces.
Law enforcement officials in Armenia have arrested the director (Razmik Abrahamyan) and the deputy director (Arshak Jjerjeryan) of the country’s Institute of Reproductive Health, Perinatology, Obstetrics, and Gynecology in connection with the foreign
A company linked to former Armenian Minister of Finance Gagik Khachatryan and his sons intends to build a refuse and sanitation facility for the Yerevan Municipality at no charge.
Armenia’s Ministry of Justice says it doesn’t see the need to double check the parcels and personal belongings sent or brought to detainees and convicts.
Yerevan faces a budget deficit of 9.112 billion drams (US$19.1 m) if the 2020 budget proposed by Armenian capital's Municipal Council is approved.
During the first nine months of this year, 18,865 crimes were committed in the country, 50 of which were committed with firearms and ammunition.
This year, unmanned aerial vehicles and satellite imagery mapped all areas below sea level up to 1901.5 meters and showed that 909 hectares of water-covered area were to be cleaned, of which 826 hectares are swampy and waterlogged.
Armenia’s Ministry of Justice wants to slash the processing time for citizenship filings in half, from six months to three months.
Dozens of residents of Yerevan’s Hope Village neighborhood are worried that they will lose their homes because of recent changes being made by the Diaconia Charitable Foundation.
Armenia’s National Security Service (NSS) says it prevented 52 attempts to illegally cross the country’s state border in the first half of this year.
Henrikh Navasardyan has retired as Director of the Yerevan Municipality’s Department of Transportation, a post he’s held since 2011.
Former Chairman of the State Revenue Committee (SRC) Vardan Harutyunyan has filed a slander lawsuit against the Investigative Journalists NGO (Hetq) and is demanding symbolic compensation in the amount of 1 dram.
Arsenyan’s Jermuk Group received an exemption of 804 million drams and his Gold Cup franchise, received a 269 million drams exemption.
The charges against Martirosyan include large-scale embezzlement and misappropriation, malicious breach of public auction, abduction and abuse of power, and official forgery of documents, stamps, and vehicle registration forms.
Gayane Shagoyan, a senior research fellow at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, has decided to resign as a member of the Board of Trustees of Shirak State University due to the government's stance on Amulsar.
The Armenian government has agreed to a Ukraine government proposal to open a Ukrainian consulate in Vanadzor.
Armenia’s State Revenue Committee (SRC) today confessed that it purchased 25,000 cash register machines at a price drastically above cost from the Chinese firm Pax Technologies.
Yerevan’s Administrative Court today partially ruled in favor of the Investigative Journalists NGO (Hetq) in a civil suit it filed against the State Revenue Committee dealing with the provision of government contracts to purchase sales receipt machin
Armenia’s Ministry of the Environment proposes to increase the amount of submerged forested acreage to be cleaned in Lake Sevan from 66.8 hectares to 98.
The Armenian government today decided to grant an AMD13 million custom’s tax waiver to Art Global, a company where Im Kayl (MyStep) Alliance MP Artashes Petrosyan served as deputy director from 2016-2019.
He says that tress have always been chopped down in the reserve, and that even workers at the gate have burned wood to keep warm in the winter.
The AMD 601 million contract signed on July 12 with A.A.B. Proyect LLC, obligates the company to repair the Vanadzor-Dilijan interstate highway no later than December 10.
"The adoption of the bill will be an additional safeguard to prevent and detect torture and other inhuman treatment," the police said in support of the measure.
Albert Parsamyan, a skilled potter with more than three decades of experience, received a proposal from an international organization to develop pottery production in Aragatzotn Province in 2014.
At today’s Investigative Journalists NGO versus the State Revenue Committee(SRC) trial session, Armenia’s Administrative Court examined secret government decisions regarding the procurement of sales receipt machines.
Armenian Ministry of Defense press spokesperson Artsrun Hovhannisyan told Hetq that the Armenian side responded to the fire.
In 2009, when he was Yerevan’s Arabkir District Head, Albert Yeritsyan leased the Arabkir Park to a company founded by his son.
Khachatryan stressed that in the current situation there is a need for the intervention of the Labor Inspectorate and other relevant government agencies.
Satellite images showing that some parts of Lake Sevan have turned green recently appeared in the social media, prompting some to raise concerns that the largest freshwater lake in the Caucasus is imperiled.
Babken Der-Grigorian, Armenia’s former Deputy Minister of the Diaspora, has been slapped with an administrative “warning” for not filing his 2018 personal asset disclosure on time.
Armenia’s Administrative Court today instructed the State Revenue Committee (SRC) to publicly disclose an alleged government decision qualifying information regarding the state procurement of a new series of sales receipt machines as a “state secret”